Models Needed
Here at Colin Solomon Photography we are always on the look out for models (male or female, professional or not) to shoot on exciting, experimental projects. We love to be creative, with expressive body painting, nude art subjects or themed projects such as, stockings, balloons, winter, water, powder, smoke etc. all under low key, dramatic lighting.
We love to get messy or be very precise, it varies. Often, we start shooting one idea but the creativity takes over and we find ourselves going off on a tangent, sometimes leading to the most amazing results! Its exciting and we love to include and experiment with your ideas too.
If you would like to be a model for the day, to get in touch with your creativity and to have some fun, please do get in contact. We will put your name down for future experimental projects, we have a vast bank of ideas just waiting to be created and captured.
Many thanks…
Colin and Jo.